So the previous photos were taken from the storm February 10th that lasted over 24 hours.....no biggie. This week!...........
I thought it was so cute that this little girl was out helping shovel. A bit of "man up" reminder to the guys out there.
So its been snowing almost 2 days now. I shoveled right before I posted my last blog.....and right now there's about 24 inches of snow waiting for me out there. Why am I in here typing? Very simple. My phone is charging. My phone is my mp3 player. If my phone has no juice, I can't exactly listen to SHOVEL IT! SHOVEL IT! SHOVEL IT! SHOVEL IT! SHOVEL IT! SHOVEL IT! SHOVEL IT! SHOVEL IT! can I? Real talk.
However, there's a couple things that impede on my extreme, OCD, winter olympic gold medal sidewalk shoveling. Number one, there's a good 12 inches more than we had a few weeks ago (PAUSE). This makes a huge difference and I apologize for not articulating the SHOVEL IT technique last time. In order to shovel at that pace and intensity, you need three requisites: Strong back, strong core, and strong legs. If you're not a very active person and you try to wild out on the shoveling, expect some pain and injuries. Contrary to popular belief, arm strength is nominal. Its more of the whipping momentum from your legs, back and core. The back and legs are way stronger and have more endurance than arms do. Personally, I shovel away in layers to get the piles down, then plow everything out the way to the side to clear the way. Don't go trying to scoop 24 inches of snow in one swift scoop unless you seriously don't plan on walking upright well into old age.
Sidenote: I'm sure some of my neighbors are getting a pure kick out of watching me shovel. If not out of sheer amazement, then out of utter hilarity.Charge full. Off to shovel...............
This was the best I could do under the circumstances...until these raggedy summmmbitch kids. At first I was all like "Aaaawww, kiddies, How cute. Helping mom dig out her car. PLAAAY!!!" But these raggedy summmmbitch kids basically threw all the snow back onto the sidewalk and driveway. You know how annoying that is? You would think the mom would have better discernment, but her response was "kids have to play." Grrrrr.com!
And to make matters worse, its bad enough that we have way more snow to shovel, this summmmbitch Mayor Bloomberg made a new policy that forbids you from throwing your snow in the road, or you get fined. So I can't get my sidewalk OCD clean like I want to for fear that some cop might drive by or some summmmmbitch snitch neighbor will call 311 on me! And you can't exactly pile it up on the side of your house bc pounds of ice piled against a house/building that will eventually melt causing a gradual onslaught of cold water is not necessarily the best thing for the foundation of your home (architect moment). Now I got all this snow and nowhere to put it! HMMPH!