Some Real Bawla-Ass Shit!!!
This photo was taken courtesy of a hotel I recently stayed in, and HOLY SHIT!!!
Forget about popping bottles, diamonds, cars, rims, houses. Forget about you BA, your BS, your MBA, you MA your PHD, your LMNOP, your XYZ kicking it in the CPT, LBC and OG's on da westSIIIIIIIIIIIDE! Fuck your APR, your credit score, you 401k, roth IRA, 403abdc AND you 702. You haven't lived your life, until you've experienced a dual shower head shower. If you're still fucking around with one shower head in 2010, you seriously need to stop, take a critical introspective look and ask yourself what are you seriously doing wrong with your life? I kid you not. Fewer joys in life parallel the experience of me and "the man downstairs" taking autonomous showers, simultaneously. All I can say is, WOW!!! In the 3 days, 2 nights stay, I must have took like 6 showers. I was out in Toronto for one of my committee meetings and I couldn't resist. Before the meeting, after the meeting, any break we had I ran back and took a shower.Almost two months later, I still ogling and ponder the seemingly limitless possibilities this awards. Please believe that by January 1st 2011, The RrChitect WILL be dual head showering 365 days a year. OH, its been added to "the list." You don't even have to be rich to feel bawla-ass on a daily basis. Just think what you can do with such bawla-ass technology:- The rinse cycle will take half the time.
- Fill up the tub for baths twice as fast!
- Set one on full force pulse and another on relaxing spray
- You can shower with your kid and let them feel grown up. Tell em they have their very own shower head now :)
- You can wash both heads simultaneously.
- Short ppl can finally wait, their both about the same height. Never mind.
- If you really want to rock out you can put a water filter on one and have fresh drinking water while you shower.
- You can wash your bum while rinsing out the shampoo in your hair.
- Couples can now shower together and not fight over who gets to stand in the water.
- Women can shower each individual breast simultaneously.
.....I mean the list goes on but this is just the top 10.
"The Westin Heavenly Shower" aint neva lie!! ACCURATELY NAMED!!!
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